M.P.A. (Marlies) Oogjen
moogjen [at] vanasadvocaten [dot] nl +31 85 7828200

“Pick your battles!”
Marlies Oogjen studied law at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands and briefly at the University of Münster in Germany.
She has been practising law since 1993. She first worked as an employment lawyer for a big legal expenses insurance company and later as an all-round lawyer at Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, the Dutch trade association for the hotel and catering industry. Since 2010 she has been working in commercial law, where she provides legal support to corporations, especially in the field of employment law and tenancy law (commercial premises). She is also fully capable of providing support in corporate law and administrative law.
Owing to her many years of (litigation) experience, Marlies is a highly competent lawyer, capable of finding fitting and creative solutions, in close consultation with the client. When it comes to litigation, she will fully commit to the case, while always maintaining her sense of reality and never losing sight of the client’s best interest. She is a very dedicated and thorough lawyer who is prepared to go the extra mile.
With her background in mind, she primarily focuses on larger corporations and SMEs. At the firm, she is the designated contact for hotel and catering enterprises.
- Dutch law, specializing in employment law (Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Erasmus programme (University of Münster)
Ancillary positions/Memberships
- Member Vereniging voor Arbeidsrecht
- Soroptimist Club Utrecht-Nedersticht
- Participation council at primary school De Opstap, in IJsselstein