M. (Martine) Gruiters
mgruiters [at] vanasadvocaten [dot] nl +31 85 7828200

“There is a person behind every case”
Martine Gruiters is an all-round lawyer who is mainly active in the field of corporate and family law. The choice to become a lawyer was a logical one for her, since she considers the solving of problems to be a challenge and since she knew already as a child that she wanted to be a lawyer. On the basis of such a strong motivation she earned her bachelor degree with distinction and her master degree with a clear pass. Martine is the regular lawyer of a number of entrepreneurs in the small to medium-sized companies sector, for whom she is the regular contact. Apart from this, Martine is very active within family law, and her field of special attention is juvenile law. The way Martine works is described best as a personal, but very decisive and effective approach.
- Dutch law, private law discipline (Utrecht University)
- Member of the Dutch Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS)