R.P.E. (René) Halfens
rhalfens [at] vanasadvocaten [dot] nl +31 85 7828200

“Running a company is not always wanting to be put in the right, but one must be always prepared to realize one’s profit”
Apart from being a lawyer, René is also an enthusiastic entrepreneur. Starting from the age of 18, he was involved in a family company in the entertainment industry and the wholesaler’s sector, while being a student at the same time. After having rounded off his law studies, he first worked as a lawyer for Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten, a medium-sized law firm in Brabant. In 2008 he started working for Van As Advocaten as a lawyer-entrepreneur. René understands entrepreneurs like no other lawyer will, and provides advice to, and conducts legal proceedings for, a large number of entrepreneurs, who rely on him as a regular legal contact. Apart from this, René is acting regularly for various clients in the field of intellectual property, media, entertainment and sports law, for whom he gives his best efforts. Apart from his practice as a lawyer, René is together with Remco Michielsen responsible for the management of the office.
- Dutch law, economic public and business law (Utrecht University)
Ancillary positions / Memberships
- Chairman ‘Stichting Vrienden Hospice Nieuwegein’
- Member Dutch entrepreneurs associations VIHN and OKN in Nieuwegein
- Member business club ‘De Club’ in Amsterdam
- Member Dutch Association for Sports and Law
- Member Dutch Association of Collection and Litigation Lawyers
- Contact Legal & Accounting Network Worldwide MSI